Adaptive Sailing Programs
2024 Adaptive Sailing
Sail Cape Cod’s ‘SeaLegs’ Adaptive Sailing Program has created opportunities to help all disabled youth, adults and veterans overcome adversity through therapeutic sailing. While learning how to sail is fun and enjoyable, participants also experience increased self-confidence, the camaraderie of teamwork, and improved leadership skills. Our lessons are individualized and customized for any physical, cognitive, or learning disability. Lessons provide 1:1 instruction and create a comfortable, safe environment in which to learn a new skill. Students will meet & board at the Gary Brown Boat Ramp located at 147 Lewis Bay Road, Hyannis, MA 02601.

With cooperation from the Town of Barnstable and funding from Rockland Trust, Sail Cape Cod has purchased and installed a portable hoyer-style lift at the Gary Brown Ramp dock in Hyannis to accommodate disabled sailors in need of boarding assistance from wheelchair to sailboat.
For More Information
For additional information about the ‘SeaLegs’ program please email us at:
From Main St in Downtown Hyannis:
From Main St go 1 block south to South St. Go left on South St and follow to the end. Cape Cod Hospital will be directly in front of you. Go right onto Lewis Bay Rd and the ramp will be immediately on your right.
From Route 6:
Take Exit 7 South towards Hyannis and follow Willow St/Yarmouth Rd to the lights at Route 28. Go through lights and bear left onto Camp St. Go straight across lights on Main St to Lewis Bay Rd. Follow to Gary Brown boat ramp at end on road.
Handicap parking is available onsite, however there is limited public parking at the boat ramp. Alternative parking is available at the back parking lot of Cape Cod Hospital along Willow St, diagonally across from the boat ramp (see ‘H’ on map below)

As a lifelong sailor, and now, someone with a significant physical disability due to spinal cord trauma, Laurel Labdon of Brewster knows firsthand how valuable sailing can be for someone living with a disability. “Even though my particular circumstances have enabled me to continue to get out on my family’s boat and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of sailing, I am so excited for the opportunity that Sail Cape Cod’s Adaptive Sailing Program now provides to the disabilities community. To gain freedom and independence, to learn new skills, and to participate in this sport are immeasurable in their importance. The self esteem, confidence and feelings of accomplishment that sailing gives to anyone is multiplied infinitely for those of us in the disabled community, where the options to participate in many activities is extremely limited.”